Using Resium in an Nx Monorepo
Recently, I was creating a proof of concept module as part of a monorepo project. The module needed to include flex panel layout functionality and the ability to display maps within these panels. To achieve this, I pulled in Resium and Dockview. The existing monorepo was instantiated using Nx.
For each package, I followed their respective install guides but had to make a few changes.
You can view the code for the sample project here: resium-nx-vite-test project.
Check Import Paths in an Nx Monorepo
I had to ensure that my static asset paths were correct in relation to where I am calling it. Since all the node_modules are at the root of the entire monorepo instead of the root of the project, my import path for the Dockview CSS file had to account for this.
// app.tsx
import '../../../node_modules/dockview-react/dist/styles/dockview.css';
Changes to Resium Install Process
The Resium documentation instructs us to use a plugin, vite-plugin-cesium, that should handle copying the necessary assets to the project build. However, the plugin assumes that the vite.config.ts file is on the same level as the node_modules directory, which is typically the case in a non-monorepo project but not true in our scenario. The vite.config.ts file is scoped to the specific projects in the monorepo so we can't use it here.
Configure Vite for Cesium
I found a blog post by the folks at Cesium that detail how to properly configure Vite to include the Cesium assets.
We utilize vite-plugin-static copy to copy over the necessary assets. Note the cesiumSource path is two levels up from the location of our vite.config.ts file.
$ npm install vite-plugin-static
// vite.config.ts
/// <reference types='vitest' />
// ...
import { viteStaticCopy } from 'vite-plugin-static-copy';
const cesiumSource = '../../node_modules/cesium/Build/Cesium';
const cesiumBaseUrl = 'cesium';
export default defineConfig({
// ...
plugins: [
// Copy Cesium Assets, Widgets, and Workers to a static directory.
targets: [
{ src: `${cesiumSource}/ThirdParty`, dest: cesiumBaseUrl },
{ src: `${cesiumSource}/Workers`, dest: cesiumBaseUrl },
{ src: `${cesiumSource}/Assets`, dest: cesiumBaseUrl },
{ src: `${cesiumSource}/Widgets`, dest: cesiumBaseUrl },
// ...
You can view the code for the sample project here: resium-nx-vite-test project.