allen hansrisuk

Good Stuff: With Pictures

Youtube Music

Dumped Spotify for Youtube Premium/Music last week. No ads on Youtube videos are nice. More to come.

Mintia Cold Smash

Advertising promo for Mintia Cold Smash Everyday carry breath mint. The best.

Gap Band IV - The Gap Band

Image of the Gap Band

"Ok, what do you guys wanna name your sixth album?"

"Gap Band IV"

- an exchange between Charlie, Ronnie, and Robert Wilson (The Gap Band) and a Hollywood, California, circa 1980

Favorite track: Outstanding (Hint: Pairs well with two-step)

Listen on YouTube Music

Org Mode

It's text-based, low-tech, unattractive, and has a high barrier of entry (Emacs) not to mention a steep learning curve but after a few months of using Org Mode to run my life I feel this is the last productivity "app" I will ever need.

Animated image of Org Mode todo list

This video from John Kitchin provides a great overview of what Org Mode is capable of.